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All I want is LIve Chat!!!

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Sorry its been a lousy afternoon i wnated to add live chat to my magento site ive tried 4 diffrent ones they all have issues
so i am here all looks really good if only it worked!!!!
Hello completed the install with all permisions as per instructions..

webim/install/index.php   just returns a blank page
webim/  login page displays OK

Tried everything with permissions. Pls help
Tried with 755 and 644 for the install folder...
returns a 404 error
installed twice!!!
using this version
Mibew Messenger 1.6.4, March 05, 2011
also tried
so any ideas??

Very strange. I see the login page is ok. There could be different reasons:
- your PHP lacks mysql support (install or enable php-mysql extension, see php.ini)
- a web-server level filter (like apache's mod_security) doesn't like install page and redirects you to 404

To debug, try to insert "return;" into the following places into install/index.php (one by one in turn).
Please, report if it starts showing the page.

function check_status()
   global $page, $webimroot, $settings, $dbversion;

   $page['done'][] = getlocal2("install.0.php", array(phpversion()));
         /// <<HERE>>

   if (!check_webimroot()) {
         /// <<HERE>>

   if (!check_files()) {

         /// <<HERE>>, etc.

Thank you for the response the trouble is I am a "weekend warrior" so my knowledge is limited
so could you be more literal with what you want me to do
if you like i can send you access to the server and site? just provide email

Yep. It would be great if you can give me access. We do really hate these mysterious installation problems.

E mail: evgeny [at] mibew (dot) org

have sent you access details


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