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No sound on Linux+Firefox [solved]

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This is a mozilla plugins problem.
Try to remove all plugins and install Gecko Media Player
Works for me.

"protip" - to check plugins write about:plugins into FF address box


it worked for me, thanks!

I did have encountered the same problem but same here I have also solve. I just like to share what I did to solve my problem. It turns out that the sound module/setting for my internet browser which is also Firefox is turn of or on mute after a little fiddling I have made it work.

Thanks for the tip guys ,I was beginning to think it was only me ,has anyone had the trouble re-appear on the recent firefox update?

sound not working any more...


firefox 9.0.1 linux (debian, lmde, ubuntu, feroda) and windows 7 - sound not working
oprea windows 7 and linux - sound not working


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