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Leave Message Email



I have been trying to work out how the variables within the following message get populated for leavemail.body

You have a message from {0}:


His email: {1}
Yours site messenger

The reason why I ask, is I would like to include the hidden referrer form field within leavemessage.tpl. From looking at leavemessage.php its a defined variable but I cannot quite grasp how to include it within the message.

Could some one please help me?

Thanks in advance

Not to worry. I had been having a funny five minutes.

For those of you if you have a similar issue, the way I resolved this issue was to define a new variable

$referrer = getparam('referrer');

within leavemessage.php

and made sure I included it within $body

My issue was that I had renamed $referrer within leavemessage.tpl earlier on when I was testing something else.


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