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Feature request

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You can vote for more than one option. If you want to make a feature request - just answer to this post. I will put your demand on the poll as soon as I wake up.

As you can find in The Announcements, future plans for webim looks like that:

--- Quote ---1.5.2   released

    * Bug with redirection after login
    * Ability to disable notification sound
    * Some fixes of translation UI


    * Departments/Skills based queues
    * Pre/post chat surveys
    * Statistics


    * Visitors monitoring
    * Proactive chat invitations
--- End quote ---

Well... I am just a humble user. On the other hand - "Vox populi - vox dei". We are all a beta testers of webim and should tell THEM ( I mean developers) our opinion. Lets vote!

For me: I dont't like the idea of "pre/post chat surveys" and "active chat invitations". Idea of webim is to change visitor into customer, right? Nagging him, spying on him, trying to take control over his/her web browser and then asking a lot of questions in a "post chat survey" - doesn't seem for me like a good way to maintain a customer - seller relationship.
 Also: I would be happy if I could do turn off an email functionality in a webim. Why? Because on my website a have got already "online contact form" and "send-email-using-default-application" buttons and I don't need another way for my potential customer to send me an email. What I want from webim is a web-based instant messenger that is functional, robust and easy to use. I don't need "multi-functional" or "universal" web application.
I want:
* ability to turn off email functionality
* "canned" or pre-defined messages editor



Keep in mind, the email function is there because an operator is not. :)

Hello, congratulations, is a nice proyect.

Is possible create options for the Operator change their password?

Well, and other feature is for add "automatic answers" in the drop down list, inside in website options. The user jorge_melo have one answer for that [1], but is better make it inside in website options...


You already can change your password. Login to your webim panel, then Agents, then click on the agent to change the password 2 what u want.


Firts congratulations, for this proyect is very good.

- Is important that the user before entering the support he must enter their email and the question for the support. It can help to  to manage a history of the mail and the questions of his users.

- It be important that at the end of the support, the user can give a rating to this.

Thats all..

 ;D sorry for my english...  ;D


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