General > General Discussion
Hey all,
I was just joined the community and am having trouble with the whole installation of it. I have v1.6.
Is it able to run on IIS 6.0? The install/index.php was successful. However when I try to change settings on my site it comes up with an error when trying to save. I am working on the webImTray for windows right now and it won't connect. First is comes up with navigation was canceled, and when I refresh is says it cannot display the webpage.
If this is an bug/error in the webimtray to begin with I will start from there.
Thanks for your time,
Must only work with apache for how it's configured....
Would you like show me more detail about configured?
it's the code in general... For example if you didn't have PHP, you wouldn't be able to read the modules. To be honest, i don't know if this would work or not with it. I'm guessing it should though... i mean whats really the difference from the two?
ps... accidently pressed modify and not quote :D instead i just clicked reply for this message.
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