+1 for a wiki
also, stackoverflow tag would go along way to allowing mibew developers build a community
Thanks for the idea with StackOverflow.
Probably, we'll do it. 
UPD.: Nope, we won't. Since the only way to create a new tag on StackOverflow is to ask a questions tagged with it. And we have no questions about Mibew to ask on StackOverflow. So, it's up to you.

As for wiki...
You see, the wiki or any other collaborative tools are only make sense if there is a stable community. It's not a tools to build a community.
Sadly, but at present time there are no such thing as Mibew Messenger community. There is a lot of people who use Mibew software, adapt it, and integrate it into their sites. But they are almost not communicating with each other.
So our priorities as the core Mibew team is:
- to develop Mibew Messenger project so more people will want to use it and less people will want to switch to some other solutions;
- to maintain this forum as a place for communications so more people will want to discuss Mibew;
- to produce and publish information (news, docs, tutorials, etc.) about Mibew Messenger so people will learn more on how does Mibew works and how they can make it works even better.

And once there will be enough people who will not only use the Mibew software but also will answer a questions on this forum, share their knowledge, communicate with us, the core Mibew team, fork Mibew project on Github, make commits, etc... Well then there will be a vote on what tools the community really needs. (Though, personally I really like the idea of wiki.)
And for now, if you have any interesting information you want to post, you can either do it here, or send us so we'll be able to publish it on the site of Mibew Messenger project.