Thanks for the reply, I'll try what you suggested.
But going further: Personal opinion: I think you are aren't aware enough that people install MIBEW from easy-installers provided by hosters. "Rebuild from sources" or other doesn't make any sense to those people. For me, even though I might understand such things, I don't have time to fiddle with that anyway.
Regarding the looping alert thing: I think you completely misunderstood what I said. It's not a technical problem at all, it's an oversight on the software meeting normal usual human needs, which is the ultimate goal of all software in the first place.
I'm kind of stunned that you think that continual notifications are a reflection on "poor" (I'm assuming) operator workflow. I can think of many reasons why an even an excellent customer service person would might miss an initial alert. Since I don't think you are aware of these arguments, let me go down a couple strong arguments for it.
(I consider an alert being both the alert that a Chat is being requested AND that the other side has replied and is waiting for your reply. Although I think I'm mostly arguing for the initial alert.)
All I was saying was that, as the developer, this is something you should STRONGLY consider.
1) Many people are listening to music as they work, an alert can get buried in that.
2) I can imagine most people doing Chat aren't doing it for the full 8 hours they are working, often they are doing something else. That means they could be in another room temporarily and miss it, or going to the bathroom. (Since when is peeing "poor" workflow???)
3) I'm a programmer and most of the time I'm programming, which as you know requires intense concentration. I've been doing this for many years. It's not uncommon that I'll be notified to do something (a single alert) and I say "I'll get to it" and then I forget under the concentration I'm under. Then I'm reminded in some way and I do it. This isn't "poor" workflow, it's human nature. Software is supposed to HELP people, not "reward people for good habits".
In fact, during chats, I've been guilty of waiting for the other side to reply - which sometimes takes awhile - and I go off doing something else. I use a KVM switch among 4 computers and often I'm looking at another computers feedback, not the Chat computers. Then I forget all about the Chat. Sure, that's a bad habit, but what I'm pointing out is that it's easy for ANYONE who is multitasking (who isn't nowadays) to forget an initial alert on ANYTHING.
4) I used WebSiteAlive for many years, this was the default, also unchangeable, and I never thought twice about it being annoying or non-intuitive. I don't know of other chat software but I would think that ALL OF THEM do continual alerts.
5) Simple logic: looping the alert at ANY interval (5 sec, 60sec, whatever) is BETTER in EVERY WAY than just a single alert with absolutely NO downsides to the idea. If you have a single alert, than it is assumed that the operator is going to pick it up right away. If he/she doesn't, WHY NOT notify them again on a consistent basis? Isn't that obvious?
6) C'mon, this would take you 30 minutes maximum to code. Get on it, dude. =)
If I'm incorrect in my assessment, correct me. =) Thanks for your time.