Author Topic: Auto log out from chat session  (Read 11793 times)

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Auto log out from chat session
« on: November 29, 2012, 11:38:01 AM »
When two parties (A & B) are in the middle of a chat and then A goes away for say more than 10 minutes, both parties should automatically log off after a defined period of inactivity. Or else B will keep waiting not knowing A is not at his desk for last 10 minutes.

In fact, even if A is at his desk but has the chat window minimized for some reason, he will not see the messages/pings B is sending him as no visual notifications can be sent to him during the chat. While A has almost forgot about his chat with B & is now unaware of B's messages; B is getting frustrated and thinking A is not at his desk at all.

I will appreciate whoever can provide some insight into how to incorporate these into mibew OR just redirect me to an appropriate post. Thank you!


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Re: Auto log out from chat session
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2012, 06:26:12 PM »
Bumping thread. I've noticed the same behavior, a workaround is simply to have another operator take the chat window away and close it.

A generic operator process would be one way to achieve this, e.g. a bot operator script run on cron.

( if thread == active && dtm_last_modified > 10minutes, close thread)

Would be a nice feature, I'll be looking into it personally if I can find some time to chew on it.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2012, 06:29:11 PM by bobscan »


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Re: Auto log out from chat session
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2012, 01:11:50 PM »
I am glad to see some response!

On bobscan, can you elaborate little more on your suggestion of writing cron job? I am not sure how cron job (which is external to this chat program) can access running state of a thread.

Meanwhile I am trying to gain understanding to the code. I haven't figured when the following condition will be met inside libs/chat.php:ping_thread()
if ($lastping > 0 && abs($current - $lastping) > $connection_timeout)

What I find is ping_thread() is called continuously and hence above difference is never more than 2-3 seconds while connection_timeout is set for 30 seconds. If this condition is met somehow, auto timeout for sessions can be achieved.



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Re: Auto log out from chat session
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2012, 07:37:49 PM »
i was thinking about closing a thread, moreso than logging out, but thinking about this further it seems the best way would be to

a.) if operator is inactive >10 minutes, use the 'operator is having connection issues, redirecting back into queue' process

b) if user is inactive for >10 minutes, close_thread();

not sure yet how to accomplish setting an operator to 'Away' mode if globally inactive for >10 minutes, but there should be a way to do this.

the cron job could call  a script every x-minutes checking the chat database for certain flags, such as the dtmmodified timestamp.


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Re: Auto log out from chat session
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2014, 07:54:36 PM »
Has anyone made progress on this?
