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Php error during installation

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I almost forgot:

Dmitriy Simushev:
I see at least three lines with spaces after "?>" in your config file. Clean them up or just remove closing PHP tag ("?>").

Finally managed to complete the installation without errors. Now, I would like to ask if you gentlemen could enlighten me why this error because in my wampp server is not necessary to remove the blank spaces for the installation to be completed smoothly. Is this some kind of php library that I have in my wampp on my own and not resell server? I am very grateful for all the help provided by the Mibew community and hope someone can explain to me the reason for the error so I can avoid future mishaps!

Dmitriy Simushev:
I believe the difference in php.ini settings between your servers. Compare output_buffering and session.auto_start values in both environments.

To prevent such problems in the future just use a good text editor which does not add a whitespace whenever it wants to. It's the simplest way to go.


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