General > Support
How to lock the conversation after the user leaves?
FYI: we've opened two issues related to your message:
They will be closed in the next alpha version of Mibew Messenger, i.e. in 2.0.0-alpha5.
As of Mibew Messenger 1.6.x, probably soon we'll implement restriction for third-party access. The release of 1.6.14 will follow.
Hugo Fujiwara:
Wow! That's nice! :D
Mibew 1.6.14 has been released. Now all chat threads are tied to users' sessions. Thus it will be impossible to access them after the conversation was finished.
At the same time we will not implement the lock of closed threads in 1.6.x, since it's not a security problem. But that feature will be implemented in 2.0.0-alpha5.
Hugo Fujiwara:
Great! I'll test it ASAP!
Thanks again!
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