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Mibew installation


Checked server error log on installation of messenger. Server forced us to change htaccess:

# Disable directory listing
#Options -Indexes <-------disabled in comment

# Follow symbolic links in the directory
# Options +FollowSymLinks <-------- disabled in comment

My question is:
Its ok or its gone insecure to leave this settings?
Or anyway what have changed in mibew operations?

Thank you in advance for answers

Well, while disabling FollowSymLinks option should not cause any troubles, enabling Indexes could result in information disclosure.

I could imagine it faf.

I write here error log:

/[Wed Mar 04 23:17:36 2015] [alert] [client xx.x.xx3.1xx:xxxx] - xxx.xx - /web/htdocs/ Option Indexes not allowed here, referer

Can you give some hints, please?

What kind of hints do you need?

Looks like you're using Mibew Messenger on some virtual hosting and you're not allowed to override the options set for virtual hosts. Obviously, in that case the limitations of the hosting is out of your control, there is nothing you can do about that.

Maybe the administration of the hosting has already switched off the Indexes option in the configuration of Apache. You can check it by manually requesting (for example) the index of files directory: http://<path to mibew root>/files/.


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