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Reached memory limit + stucked visit + timeout, reconnecting


high number of POST requests sent to "

Guest test   In chat   Administrator   782:32:16   -   Chrome 40.0.2214.111 = since forever even though that window is closed

timeout, reconnecting = after 5 sec

The memory limit is reached because of the request to reconnect I suppose or maybe trying to reach that closed visitor window? how can I fix this? thank you!

Dmitriy Simushev:
Well, I see two ways of fixing the problem.

The first is in using better hosting (or increasing limits of the current one).

The second is tuning Mibew settings. Try to increase value of "Operator's console refresh time" option at Settings > Performance page.

I cannot give any other advices because you did not specify the version of Mibew you are using.


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