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Chat Messages do not wrap, they stay in one line. New Version 2

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Chat Messages do not wrap they stay in one line. New Version 2

How can we fix this  please?

Dmitriy Simushev:
I cannot understand what are you talking about. Can you be more specific?

I am sorry for being un-clear:

Text Wrap means the text in a chat can go under one another like this when enter or shift enter is hit:

Bank Detals

(Wraped above)

Chat shows it like this:

Bank detail Number ref (With No Wrapping all in one line)

Also if canned message is used that is wrapped it also shows all the text in one line in the chat.

Please let me know if I am still being un-clear sorry my Eng is not the best.

Best Regards

Dmitriy Simushev:

--- Quote ---ext Wrap means the text in a chat can go under one another like this when enter or shift enter is hit:
--- End quote ---

There is a radiobox named "Send messages with" at settings page (<base URL>/operator/settings) which allows you to use "Enter" key to wrap lines in chat and to use "Ctrl+Enter" keys combination to send messages.

--- Quote ---Bank Detals

(Wraped above)

Chat shows it like this:

Bank detail Number ref (With No Wrapping all in one line)

Also if canned message is used that is wrapped it also shows all the text in one line in the chat.
--- End quote ---

Nevertheless, it seems that you've found a bug. Line breaks from message input field are removed in chat area. I hope we'll fix it soon.

--- Quote ---Please let me know if I am still being un-clear sorry my Eng is not the best.
--- End quote ---

Don't worry, it's not a problem at all.

Dmitriy Simushev:
Fixed in the main repository of the project. The fix will be released with the next version.


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