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Plugins State "not initialized"
i try install title notification and emoji plugins but when i click on "enable" in the plugin page, the plugins change to "not initialized" state and dont "working" for me :(
i already read all informatios, both on here( and the files "" on plugins folder, but my my doubt is in relation to this part:
these actions are must required?
1. Obtain a copy of the repository using `git clone`, download button, or another way.
2. Install [node.js]( and [npm](
3. Install [Gulp](
4. Install npm dependencies using `npm install`.
5. Run Gulp to build the sources using `gulp default`.
i used lastest version of xampp, php 5.5.24, apache 2.2
I found this:
// Actually we do not know why the plugin does not work. The only thing
// that can be said is the plugin was not initialized correctly by some
// reasons.
return getlocal('not initialized');
:-[ :-[ :'(
You quote the section named 'Build from sources'. It has nothing to do with the installation process which is described in the 'Installation' section.
do you have any suggestions in this case when appear "not initialized"?
Dmitriy Simushev:
This message is shown when the plugin reports to Mibew that something is wrong. Check apache's error log for details about the problem.
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