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Chat invitation pop up after x seconds on page
I would like to alter mibew so that the chat invitation pop up pops up after the user has been on the same page for x seconds.
Can someone please direct me to which classes I should look in to change this?
I'm new to mibew and don't really know what all the classes do.
I'm using mibew 2.0.1.
Thanks in advance.
Dmitriy Simushev:
I believe you can create a server-side Mibew plugin which will invite visitors after checking some conditions (pages visited, time spent on site, etc...).
To start with plugins take a look at Boilerplate plugin ( Also you definitely should take a look at Events::VISITOR_TRACK event ( It could be useful.
An example of simple auto-invitation logic can be seen here: . The code is outdated and has to be rewritten but it can be the starting point for you.
Thank you very much Dmitriy! I'm going to look at those projects.
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