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Notification Sound Not Working !

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Hello I'm using Mibew 1.6.15 . But I'm getting a problem that the sound is not working. I mean, when someone (site visitors) join the chat our operators are not getting any sound notification, beside the message sound is also not working. Can anybody help me please ?

thanks in advance.

Dmitriy Simushev:

Unfortunately, Mibew 1.6.x branch is obsolete. There will be no bug fixes for this branch. You should update your installation to 2.x branch.

As for the problem, the sound should works fine. Most likely you have a problem with a browser or any other environment.


--- Quote from: Dmitriy Simushev on June 04, 2015, 01:30:52 PM ---Hi,

Unfortunately, Mibew 1.6.x branch is obsolete. There will be no bug fixes for this branch. You should update your installation to 2.x branch.

As for the problem, the sound should works fine. Most likely you have a problem with a browser or any other environment.

--- End quote ---
How can I upgrade it ?

Dmitriy Simushev:
I have bad news for you. There is neither migration tool nor manual upgrade path. You can only remove the old version and install a new one.

Just to make it clear: as I've told you there can be problems with browser or other environment. If it's the case there are no guarantees that the upgrade will help you.


--- Quote from: Dmitriy Simushev on June 04, 2015, 01:50:24 PM ---I have bad news for you. There is neither migration tool nor manual upgrade path. You can only remove the old version and install a new one.

Just to make it clear: as I've told you there can be problems with browser or other environment. If it's the case there are no guarantees that the upgrade will help you.

--- End quote ---
I have tried in many browsers like, comet bird, mozilla firefox, google chrome, opera (at android phone). But its not working.


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