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How to notify visitor when an operator has no activity for more than "X" seconds

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Dmitriy Simushev:
There are two things you should take a look at:

1. When you log into Mibew there is a check box "remember me". Make sure it's unchecked. In this case operator's session lifetime is determined by PHP session lifetime.

2. Alter PHP's settings to use custom session lifetime. Take a look at for details.

Thank you Dmitriy Simushev. I have unchecked the Remember check box in the login page and also, I have set the gc_maxlifetime as 120 seconds in the php.ini file. Then I restarted Apache. In Home page, Session getting expired after refreshing the page. But, if we are in the visitors page, the session is not getting expired on refreshing the page. I don't know why the session is not getting expired if we are in the Visitors page. Can you please help me?

Dmitriy Simushev:
The session is not expired because there are periodical AJAX requests from "<Mibew base URL>/operator/users" (Visitors) page to the server.

Thank you so much Dmitriy Simushev for your help.

I have fixed this issue by adding the following line in init.php file.

@ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 14400); //4 hours

Dmitriy Simushev:
I've told you about this INI parameter in one of my previous comments. Moreover, I believe it should work fine if set in appropriate PHP's ini file. Patching the core is not the best idea but it's up to you.


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