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How to change the time format displayed in Chat Conversation?

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I am using Mibew v2.0
My current time format is 24 hours format in the chat conversation. I want to make it as 12-hours format.

Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Dmitriy Simushev:
Several formats related changes will be introduced in Mibew 2.1.0. At the same time if the format you are talking about will not become changable in v2.1.0 the only option is to patch the core.

Can you please explain me how to patch the core?

Dmitriy Simushev:
I want to notice you that you have to be a developer to patch the core. If you don't have enough programming skills ask someone who has.

Here is the process:

1. Clone Mibew's repository:
2. Do whatever changes you want to.
3. Build Mibew (see for details).
4. Install your patched version and use it at your own risk.

Yes, Dmitriy Simushev. I am a developer. I know about how to patch the core. My question is which file and which line need to be changed to change the time format.


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