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How to customize chat conversation with a different style ?

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I have seen two classes message-agent' and 'message-user' in the chat.css file.

I want to make this classes inside a div. I have searched for these classes. I have found these classes only in chat.css file. Where can we find these classes in a template file. I want to cutomize the chat conversation.

Please help me on this. Thanks in advance.

Dmitriy Simushev:

One more thing. If you want to customize Mibew, please, spend some time to get how it works. It's not so hard but it helps you to reduce count of simple (not interesting) questions at the forum.

This is the file what I am searching for. Thank you very much Dmitriy Simushev. You helped me a lot  :) I am excited to use Mibew.

Hi, Dmitriy Simushev, In the Chat conversation page. I have seen a div tag with class "message". But, I am unable to find the class "message" in the source code(template.js file). Can you please help me on this. Thanks in advance.

Dmitriy Simushev:
Why don't you just use your favorite search tool to find it in the code base?!  >:(


P.S.: If you're a developer and want to do something with Mibew you would be better to start doing it by yourself.


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