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How to show session expired popup?


I am using Mibew v2.0

I have set the session expire time in init.php file

@ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 14400);

The operator is getting logged out only if we refresh the page. But, I want to show a popup on the session id changes for the operator even if he/she doesn't refresh the page. In which file we need to check the session id changes and show popup.

Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Dmitriy Simushev:

--- Quote ---The operator is getting logged out only if we refresh the page.
--- End quote ---

I've already told you that the session is not actually expired because of periodical AJAX requests (see,191837.msg198581.html#msg198581).

--- Quote ---But, I want to show a popup on the session id changes for the operator even if he/she doesn't refresh the page. In which file we need to check the session id changes and show popup.
--- End quote ---

Frankly, I don't know why you want to log out operator in this way. You would be better to try something like

One more thing. If you'll try to get my attention with private message which contents is almost the same as in the topic created by you, I'll ban you! This is the last warning.


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