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"Invalid file type" message while uploading language file


Hello, dear developers!

Can't find localization faq or howto topic. Let me ask here.
When I'm trying to upload downloaded file at "Translations import - Mibew Messenger" page of mibew 2.0.1 messenger I see

--- Quote ---Correct the mistakes:
Error uploading file "": Invalid file type.
--- End quote ---
Please tell how to install language pack correct

Dmitriy Simushev:
You have to unzip (untar) the package and put files into "mibew/locales/<locale code>" directory.


--- Quote from: Dmitriy Simushev on July 02, 2015, 02:54:37 PM ---You have to unzip (untar) the package and put files into "mibew/locales/<locale code>" directory.

--- End quote ---
I've already done it but still the language is English everywhere. In messenger settings page and in Localize section the is only "en" option to choose. Any ideas how to enable uploaded language files?

Dmitriy Simushev:

--- Quote ---Any ideas how to enable uploaded language files?
--- End quote ---

After you upload the package new language should be available at "<base URL>/operator/locale" page. If it does not then you did something wrong.

Thank you. To much difficult this process was for me without documentation. I suggest you to include this section in documentation wiki.

Good luck


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