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Network problems detected. Please refresh the page.

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I have Mibew 2.10 installed and i am receiving frequently the message "Network problems detected. Please refresh the page."

I already reported the problem to my ISP and hosting supplier to ensure that the environment has the prerequisites indicated by and they ensured that everything is ok.

I would like to have mibew working fine and i woud like to have any help / suggestions to solve the problem.

Thanks in advance and best regards.

Alfredo Simões

You have already asked it:,191411.msg198633.html#msg198633

And you have already got the answer:,191411.msg198634.html#msg198634

Thanks for your answer.

I read the post several times but i did not understand which is the solution to overcome the problem.

I did understand that you mean there is internal server error.

How do i find it to transmit to my hosting supplier?

Sorry for the request but i need additional help.


Alfredo Simões

Dmitriy Simushev:
First of all, you should ask your hosting provider about restrictions of connections count to server per client. Some hosting providers  use such restrictions to prevent DDoS attacks.

Hosting provider has been contacted and he ensured that there are NO restrictions at all. Problem continues to happen.


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