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When textarea is closed automatically in Visitors Chat page?


I am using Mibew 2.0.0 Version.

In the Visitors Chat page, textarea is getting closed automatically at a particular time. I am not sure why the chat window is getting closed, that is unable to chat after that.
I think we can set these time in the settings or somewhere but I am not sure.

Can anyone please help me? Thanks in advance.

Dmitriy Simushev:
Normally the textarea is closed for client only if the operator left the dialog. Is it you case?

Hi Dmitriy Simushev, How are you? Glad to see your reply  :)

The operator and visitor not left the dialog. But, the textarea is getting closed after sometime.

Is there any other reason for the cause of textarea close?

Dmitriy Simushev:
Well, I know nothing about another reasons. The only thing I could suggest is to check network connection. Is there any errors in browser's console?

Dmitriy Simushev:
Just found this thread:,1441.0/topicseen.html

Is it your case?


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