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defaulting to wrong language


Hello  - I converted from 1.6 to 2.1  with a fresh install of the en application code (clean database) and the fr language package. The chat window is opening up with .fr version rather than the .en locale. In the setting and config file the .en locale looks to be the default.  The url is  Open with mostly fr text and the default "guest" in English.

There is probably some simple step I am overlooking. My 1.6 installation worked problem free between the two languages.

Thank you

Dmitriy Simushev:
I see two potential problems:

  1. Do you generate the button code with correct locale?
  2. Is .en locale enabled in your Mibew installation?

Also it could be a problem if you're using Mibew as both operator and client. In this case, operator's locale will be used as default on in client's interface.


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