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Chat window freezing


We really like the Mibew chat and integrated on our website
We have installed the latest version of Mibew.
The chat window is freezing sometimes, probably when the operator and visitor typing at the same time. We have already tried in several browser like firefox, chrome and internet explorer.
Please let us know how to resolve the issue.


Dmitriy Simushev:
Is the problem reproduced at demo installation (

Looks like the demo is not working, the chat window says not found and keeps on loading.

Dmitriy Simushev:
It's strange. Could you attach a screen shot?

Hi gw_chat,

--- Quote from: gw_chat on December 03, 2015, 08:24:18 PM ---Looks like the demo is not working, the chat window says not found and keeps on loading.

--- End quote ---

This issue is probably not related to your original issue but it seems very similar to this issue,191941.0.html
We have not been able to consistently reproduce it; you can go through that thread and if it the same and you can add better reproduction steps that will be awesome. There is also a screenshot there. You can compare it to what you were seeing with the demo site.



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