Author Topic: mibew theming  (Read 9650 times)

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mibew theming
« on: January 13, 2016, 10:18:46 AM »
Hi, I notice that the mibew css uses repeated gifs rather than new html 5 gradients etc.  Is there any plan to update the theme, or to provide theme plugins/skins etc

The reason that I ask is that I would particularly like to see a responsive theme.  I am trying to theme mibew now to use css @media selectors to fit mibew onto smaller devices, and am having a few problems with the form entries etc.  I tried using a media width selector on the iframe css, but the overflow is still occurring (i'm in the middle of it now), so I have scrollbars.

Having just updated the dependencies and installed as I was writing this message, mibew messenger iframe is now completely blank.  Something to do with the  'gulp default' after the updated dependencies.  Is there anyway of debugging?  Do you have an irc client?


Dmitriy Simushev

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Re: mibew theming
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2016, 11:10:09 AM »
Hi, I notice that the mibew css uses repeated gifs rather than new html 5 gradients etc.  Is there any plan to update the theme, or to provide theme plugins/skins etc

Actually, we don't plan to update themes before the next major version is release. Nevertheless, pull requests are welcome.

Having just updated the dependencies and installed as I was writing this message, mibew messenger iframe is now completely blank.  Something to do with the  'gulp default' after the updated dependencies.  Is there anyway of debugging?  Do you have an irc client?

We don't test Mibew with the newest dependencies' versions so anything can go wrong.


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Re: mibew theming
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2016, 03:33:06 PM »
I've never pulled any github code before, but I might start if I think I can do something.  I could do with something like this (largely due to its responsive design) :

Dmitriy Simushev

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Re: mibew theming
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2016, 01:54:17 PM »
Sounds good


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Re: mibew theming
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2016, 09:20:58 PM »
Hello millerthegorilla,

Although not yet implemented the software is designed with themes/styles in mind. I had asked about some information and got the response in the thread below. It looks like it could serve as a guide to any work you want to do.,191966.0.html

@MichaelTunnell is also working on something but not sure what his progress is. You can check out the youtube video in this post:,191390.msg196766.html#msg196766

As a stopgap while waiting for a full responsive theme to become available, I have suggested a few modifications to make the chat interface mobile friendly. See,191589.0.html
