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Chat window meta tag etc

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Anyone? I just want the analytic tracking code to be used on the client side chat window not client & operator.

Take a look at client_side/chat/layout.handlebars template. There is already a difference between operator's and client's appearances. One should use
--- Code: ---{{#unless user.isAgent}}{{/unless}}
--- End code ---
construction to output something only for a client. And don't forget to build the style afterward.

I couldn't see where to add the google analytic code in that file? I've added the GA code into styles\chats\default\templates_compiled\client_side\_layout.handlebars.

It works but GA tracks both the users pop up window & the operator pop up window. Is it possible so the tracking code only tracks the user pop up? If so where & how do I paste the GA code? Thanks

One more time. You should change the source template client_side/chat/layout.handlebars .
After you've made the changes you should rebuild the style using gulp tool. Take a look at instructions on how to build Mibew Messenger from sources:

You should understand that if you want to somehow customize the program, you should either act as a developer, or hire a developer. There is no other way to have the job done.

Unfortunately it would be easier to get an off the shelf solution that is much easier to customize without the need of a developer (who would charge more to do things like this than it would cost to buy something that does what we want out of the box). This program seems overly complex with the slightest change requiring a rebuild. Shame but decided to drop it in favour of an alternative.


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