Author Topic: SMS Option for Offline status  (Read 6019 times)

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SMS Option for Offline status
« on: January 29, 2016, 11:42:26 PM »
I want a feature that sends an SMS to alert and call idle operators when offline.

This means when the system is offline,
1. The Offline button will have a label like "ON CALL: Alert us for a chat" (or some other such inviting user-friendly prompt)
2. When the visitor clicks the button, an SMS alert is automatically sent to an operator, asking him/her to come online.
3. Meanwhile, instead of the usual email dialog form, the visitor is nicely informed that an operator has been alerted - and would soon attend to him/her. Please be patient. (The sort of "Please wait" message when there is a queue)
4. Immediately an operator comes online, the chatting commences.

If this is possible, what settings does one need to make in the database AND what area of the script do we intercept the code and plug in the SMS sender ?

Thank you.


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Re: SMS Option for Offline status
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2016, 04:49:03 PM »
Hello Fikayo,

That feature sounds nice to have. To best way to extend Mibew's functionality is through plugins. I'm not sure what areas of code you would need to modify for this to happen. A starting point would be to look at the button refresh plugin here:

In order to solve a similar issue, i.e. not being in front of the computer all the time, we have developed an app that lets you attend to your customers on mobile. May be this can work for you. The difference with your requirement is that when you are online on mobile, the button on the web also says you are online. May be you don't really need to say you are offline if you still want to continue assisting customers.

Check out the Wurrd app and info on how to set it up from here.

