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Translation for "are you sure want to leave chat ?"


Hello , I dominate the translation with the poedit , there is a phrase that appears in pop-up " are you sure want to leave chat ? " it is present in two .js files in the path js / compiled / chat_app.js and js / compiled / chat / model_views / controls / close.js , I can not translate that phrase in any way , it does not appear in the panel's translation tool the mibew and also is not the .pot translation file , I tried to manually translate in js itself, but it is not possible , can anyone help me ? because that phrase is visible to visitors, so it is very important that it be translated into my language pt_BR ... thanks .

If you want to create your own translation you should use the POT-file. It contains all translatable constants of the project.

The constant you're talking about is at the line 1719 of mibew-i18n-translation-2.1.0-20150714.pot (at the moment it's the latest POT-file).

Faf thank you for the comment . Really the pt_BR translation that is available on the site does not have the translation of this line  :( but in the main translation file exists. I will start a new translation as directed .


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