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IIS Install


I was able to run the install with no issues.  After the install completed, I removed the install.php file and now when I try to go to any page, I get a generic "Internal Server Error".

I went in and put a var_dump($response) on the index page and I noticed the following.

"content": protected => "Internal Server Error"
"statusCode": protected => int(500)
"statusText": protected => "Internal Server Error"

Why would the installer run with no issue but they actual app will not load?

No one can help me with this?

Found how to fix it.  Turned off memcache.,191803.0.html


I usually refer people to the thread you mention when they have trouble with the install, usually resulting in an error message along these lines.

--- Code: ---Cache path exceeds Windows PHP MAX_LENGTH of 260 characters.

--- End code ---

One would have thought that if you succeeded the install then the app should work just fine. I suppose anyone who wants to run Mibew in a Windows environment should always turn caching off. This begs the question, what performance penalties does one incur by disabling the caching?



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