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Perfomance & Optional Services error
When I try to access the administration panel: Settings -> Performance OR Settings -> Optional Services
after a while processing an generic error page is shown.
Looking for more detail (apache access and error logs) just a 500 status (with no substatus) is logged. I install mibew on windows 8.1 with Apache 2.4.18 and MySQL 5.6.
Would you give me some directions to access and configure theses options? the error occur before the rendering of the web form.
Thanks in advance.
Have you checked your php error log?
Windows is not officially supported. There have been threads that talk about installation issues and one thing that seems to work for those issues is disabling caching. That may fix your problem.,191803.0.html
Hello scalior,
I just forgot to mention that I already have the cache disabled. (none)
Mibew works but it´s not possible to access and configure the Settings->Perpormance OR Settings->Optional Services
I need to set the operator timeout. 'Operator online time threshold' (,191682.0.html)
Because once the operator (not admin) log into mibew and his status don´t come back to offline (even setting the status to offline and logging off)
Thanks in advance.
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