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Multiple 'Visitor closed chat window' messages


Hi there forum!

I'm fairly new to Mibew, and I'm not much of a programmer/developer, so forgive the naivety before we begin.  :P

Yesterday I noticed an error with the system where there would be a message saying "Visitor closed chat window", which is normal at this stage, but then the message would repeat several times. This does not normally happen, and I would very much like it to stop happening! The message should only appear once, and then not again until a new messenger has joined and quit. This has been the way it has worked for me for years until yesterday, which is odd.

I've been trying to deduce the issue, and the only think I can think of is if the person on the other end is using our Mibew from a mobile device, the messages could be coming from them constantly closing and re-opening their web browser app. Do you think this could be the issue?

Thanks in advance for any replies/tips/advice, it's greatly appreciated!  ;D


I have noticed this myself and my guess is that you are correct on it being that the conversation is from a mobile device. One way to confirm that this is the case is by checking the user's browser details to see what browser/OS they are using.

Do the multiple messages disturb your operations? Personally I ignore them. If they impact your operations you can create a ticket at the Github repository and explain your use case. By the way, I assume you are using Mibew 2.x

Thx for the reply scalior, I shall do just that!


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