Author Topic: Sending a message (email) when no operator available is running non stop  (Read 12485 times)

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Can somebody help me, when I try to send a email (message) when no operator is available, so I have filled the followinf fields: Your email, your name, Message and hit the "Send" button. The email is sent correctly because I have received it but the problem is that the email form is still displayed afterwards I hit "Send" button and  the blue loop indicating that something is running non stop is displayed in my form screen.
Normally, after I hit the Send button I am supposed to see another page saying email successfully sent or stuff like that right?

Please let me know if you see the problem.

Thank you very much



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Please help me.
Can someone confirm me that there should be display message like
"Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible." when the visitor sends an email (when no operator available)?

My problem is: I receive the email sent successfully when the visitor click on "Send" button to send the email but, no message is displayed on the screen, Instead of the message, the form is still displayed and I have the ajax-loader.gif displayed behind the form.
Please help me if you can.

Thank you very much for your help


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Did you test against the demo server ( What results do you get?

Is the error happening only on your server? If so, may be there is something not configured properly on your server, and you may experience other issues, not just that.

I also assume that you are using the latest version of Mibew (2.1.0).


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Hello Scalior,

Yes I am using Mibew version 2.1.0. The error happens on my server. I am trying to understand what could causes this problem. I do not see the problem.
This is the URL of the generated web page when I click on "Send" button:

On the demo version, I do not have the url so I can not compare it. It seems like "referrer=" parameter is added but doesn t have a value.
When I put my mouse over the "Site consultant OFFLINE Leave Your Message" link, I have the following URL:"http:/localhost:9090/mibew/index.php/chat?locale=en
And when I click on this link, the url of the generated web page form is http://localhost:9090/mibew/index.php/chat?locale=en&url=localhost%3A9090%2FmibewTest.html&referrer=
I know the action invoked when we click on the chat link is UserChatController::startAction

Please let me know if you have an idea, I really appreciate.

Thank you very much


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Do you have an idea please?
Thank you


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Off the top of my head I'm not sure what is going wrong. One thing you can do is use the browser's developer tools (Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + I) to see if there is an error that happens when you click send.

It is also possible that this could be related to one of these issues:,191941.0.html,191940.0.html


  • Jr. Member
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i am have same problem too...
mibew 2.1.0 (new installation)
php 5.4.38
mysql 5.5.42


  • Jr. Member
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I too have the same problem. I have reinstalled from scratch with a new database and directory.

The problem might be in the leave_message_form.js file, but I don't know what.

I've enabled and disabled captcha. The email does come through, but the ajax loader just spins. You can get this to work by changing configs/config.yml line 29 to "smtp" and changing lines 33-36 accordingly, but it doesn't really fix the underlying problem.


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Do you have an access to error log of the web server?
Does your hosting permits usage of the mail function?