General > Support
Chat window stuck with 'reconnecting' status
The issue is while operators browse to the chat window (users.php), it seems to be stuck with status message 'reconnecting'. All the other pages works fine. The same issue had occurred last year and we could not find the real cause of the issue. As a quick fix we ended up recreating that particulat operators group and re-adding the members. It would be really appreciated if someone can put some light to it. We are using Mibew version 1.6.4 since 2012 and hosted in windows server (IIS 7).
Are there any error logs that we could check to get more details or may be within the database?
Thanks & Regards,
1. Mibew Messenger 1.6.4 is seriously outdated (it's more than five years old!), is vulnerable, and not supported.
2. You really should have been search the forum...,191529.msg197356.html
Thanks very much for the response. We decided to do the upgrade.
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