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post a link to chat in Word Press
Don Houston:
Yes I have a word press site and I want to add the chat button to that site. But the button code that the admin panel does not work. Is there something that I am missing?
Please, provide more information. Describe step by step what you're doing, what you expect to see, and what you're actually seeing.
Don Houston:
Well, I am trying to put a live chat button on the Word press site. I am trying to make a wideget for it, so it can be at the top of all the pages on wordpress. See http://www,
You haven't read this, don't you?
I'll try one more time...
If you have troubles with Mibew Messenger, you should describe step by step what you're doing. I.e. what actions you're actually taking to achieve your goal: what links and buttons you click, what settings you use to generate the button, etc. And you should specify what exactly doesn't work.
If you have troubles with some third-party software (i.e. Wordpress), you can try to ask question about it here, but I doubt that you'll get an answer. (Not to mention the fact that it's a little bit offtopic.) But even in this case you should be specific.
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