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Style change with button code
So I have duplicated the default style and called it accreditationnow
I see it in the operator section as I should.
I create button code and select that I want to use that style and the code generated clearly shows &style=accreditationnow in the query string that is passed.
I scoured the web and forum looking to see if I've done something wrong and I couldn't solve the issue so I went poking around in the code.
Inside /libs/classes/Mibew/Style/ChatStyle.php
Inside function getFilesPath()
I changed return 'styles/chats/' . $this->getName();
To be return 'styles/chats/' . $this->getCurrentStyle();
Fixed my problem and I'm not finding anything broken.
It appears this is a legit bug but I'm not confident enough to just post it to GitHub.
Thanks for reporting the issue.
Looks like there is a bug, but at the moment I'm not quite sure where exactly it is, and how to fix it in a right manner. I'll take a look at this in the near future and post the conclusion.
UPD.: It seems that I located and fixed the bug. But it will take some additional time for me to make sure that it's really fixed now.
So, at last I've managed to fix the issues related to styles (both for chats and invitations). ;)
It's in the repo now. And since it's an important fix, probably soon we'll release the next version of Mibew Messenger.
Excellent. Thanks for looking into it!
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