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Different languages in backend and in chat window

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i installed Mibew 2 with english and german language. The Button code was generated for german language, but the resulting chat window appears partly in english. Some parts are in german, but some are still in english, even if there is a complete translation in the "translation.po" file. In the backend ares are some parts still in english too, but i find the correct translations in the "po" file too.
Why does MIBEW not use the translated strings at this places? And how can i change this?

Best regards

Could you provide an example of strings that are translated in .po file, but displayed untranslated in the interface?

Hey :-)

of course, here are some samples from the "backend.png" from my last post:

line 53: msgid "Actions"
line 54: msgstr "Aktionen"

line 1043: msgid "Visitor's Address"
line 1044: msgstr "Adresse des Besuchers"

line 373: msgid "First seen"
line 374: msgstr "Zuerst gesehen"

line 473: msgid "Invitation time"
line 474: msgstr "Einladungszeit"

And here some samples from the "chat.png"

line 777: msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
line 778: msgstr "Chat-Protokoll per E-Mail senden"

line 957: msgid "Turn off sound"
line 958: msgstr "Sound ausschalten"

line 229: msgid "Close chat"
line 230: msgstr "Chat schließen"

This are samples from this test page:

Best regards

What steps have you took to install the localization?

Hi again,

you can close this thread.

I installed mibew in his own folder and in this folder i created a subfolder "testfolder". There i placed the html file with the code for the chat button to test the chat.
Unfortunately there some of the strings were not translated as i described.
Now for some reason i moved the "testfolder" out of the mibew folder. And it runs well! All is ok.

Best regards


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