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Modify Mibew to use SAML
I'm hitting a block here, and it's the same basic issue for two things I need to accomplish.
First, as I stated above, I need to generate a url inside of the plugin, using something like:
--- Code: ---$this->getRouter()->generateUrl('home');
--- End code ---
Second, after my third-party authentication service has returned a successful response, I need to do something similar to what's happening in Mibew\Controller\LoginController:
--- Code: ---$this->getAuthenticationManager()->loginOperator($operator, $remember);
--- End code ---
While I have some experience with scripting in php, I'm new to app development, and Symfony in particular. That last line of code responds with an error:
--- Quote ---PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function loginOperator() on null
--- End quote ---
I see in index.php, an application object is created after first creating a router:
--- Code: ---$application = new Application($router, new AuthenticationManager());
--- End code ---
Is there a way, from inside a plugin (either Plugin.php or inside a controller) to access this Application object? A brief example would be very helpful.
To begin with, I'd implement third-party authentication that way:
In run():
--- Code: ---$dispatcher = EventDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->attachListener(Events::OPERATOR_AUTHENTICATE, $this, 'checkAuth');
--- End code ---
And your checkAuth method should looks somehow like that:
--- Code: ---public function checkAuth(&$args)
$request = $args['request'];
$login = $request->request->get('login');
$password = $request->request->get('password');
$operator = operator_by_login($login);
if ((!$operator || ($operator['vcpassword'] === 'auth_by_remote_service')) && $login && $password) {
// dummy part
// do something and get auth result
// ...
$result = true;
// ...
// end of dummy part
if (!$result) {
if (!$operator) {
$operator = create_operator($login, '', '', '', '', '', '');
$operator = operator_by_login($login);
$operator['vcpassword'] = 'auth_by_remote_service';
else {
$args['operator'] = $operator;
--- End code ---
Of course it's just a quick'n'dirty concept to illustrate the basic idea.
And if you need an URI related to Mibew, why won't you make use of the very same request object? $request->getUri() will do the job. You'll be able to redirect an operator to the very same page he originally requested.
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