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Install Plugin gives blank screen


For me it is the 1st time I use Mibew version 3.5.4 on a cpanel latest version, installation was no problem at all but if I want to install a plugin, I put it in the plugin folder, I change the config.yml (first with Sublimetext, failed - blank screen, then with Atom, also failed, also blank screen) I keep getting a blank screen after changing the config file, no error message, nothing... After I have returned the original config file posted everything works perfectly (without my plugins of course:-() I can't find a solution directly in the forum, see screenshots. How can I solve this?
Greetz, Tom

0. Blank screen means that there was internal server error and PHP interpreter crushed. See your server logs for details.

1. You've installed plugins in a wrong way. Bad directories structure. See docs for details. That's why you're unable to see any plugins, even those that doesn't need to be configured.

2. You've configured plugins in a wrong way. The plugins section is corrupted with invalid framing of ```yaml ... ``` (where did you even get that?!) and wrong indents. It's YAML, so spaces matters. And (most probably) that's why you're getting blank screen.


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