General > General Discussion

Who you are!?

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interesting... i'll have to see what's up with that donations button i guess.... And yep we will make july 18th ;)


--- Quote ---To the left of Logout.
--- End quote ---

Left of logout is a "Members" tab.

Tech info :Ubuntu, firefox, adblock disabled.

I undarstand, that you are doing it for fun, but there is a looong tradition in the open source that donations are welcome. It's not this way, that I want to pay you or something. I use your soft - and I want to buy you a beer. It's not marketing (daaark siiide) - it's just a way of being grateful.

Speaking of marketing: You are really need a human face. You are offering a marvelous product for a peanuts. I was suspicious for a few months. You have to address your fans and clearly answer this questions:
1) Are you a KGB/GRU?
2) Are you going to collect my / my costomers personal details?
3) Will You kill my dog?
And why not?

By definition - MIBEW is a business class software. We (I mean business owners) wouldn't mind to pay for it, but we are all required some sort of assurance. Maybe a "privacy policy"? Yep. Privacy policy for webim would be a nice addition.

LOL alrighty, a Donations button will be posted on ;) Thanks for the beer! i'm only 17 and live in usa though :'( Inspirer can have it for me ;)

I thought it's all Russian (Empire of Darkness as they use to call it) product.

noooo, weir multi-language. We support a bunch of languages. :) None specifically, other than English is one of our priorities :)

Thanks for the support!


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