Author Topic: problem to install tables in the database 'InnoDB'  (Read 11047 times)

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problem to install tables in the database 'InnoDB'
« on: February 24, 2012, 10:07:07 PM »
Hi, I have a detail to install the application when running Mibew the install file, after creating the database, until then all well, pressing to continue to create the tables in the database I mark errors

Writing the Wrongs:
Query failed: Unknown table engine 'InnoDb'

the file libs / config.php I have it edited with the correct connection parameters
but if you create the database, but the tables do not

out the correct information:

PHP version 6.0.0-dev
Application path is /webim
Mibew package is valid.
Is connected to MySQL server versiĆ³n 6.0.4-alpha-community-log
Database "webim_db" created.

Next Step:
Create the required tables. << ---- Here is the step where I get the error to create tables

I am using AppServ 2.6.0
Apache 2.2.8
PHP 6.0.0-dev
MySQL 6.0.4-alpha

I welcome your comments thanks.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 10:08:47 PM by jacqueline »