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Operator pop up window rersize
Please can you let me know the file to modify to change the size of the pop up for the operator.
Many thanks in advance Chris.
--- Quote from: chrisb123 on November 03, 2009, 09:54:08 PM ---Please can you let me know the file to modify to change the size of the pop up for the operator.
--- End quote ---
For operator:
/webim/js/source/users.js (lines 73, 80 and 86): replace 640, 480 => your size
1. Adjust 3 lines:
gen += HtmlGenerationUtils.popupLink( (cantakenow||!canview) ? link : link+"&viewonly=true", localized[canopen ? 0 : 1], "ImCenter"+id,username, 640, 480, null);
gen += HtmlGenerationUtils.popupLink( link, localized[0], "ImCenter"+id, '<img src="'+webimRoot+'/images/tbliclspeak.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="'+localized[0]+'">', 640, 480, null);
gen += HtmlGenerationUtils.popupLink( link+"&viewonly=true", localized[1], "ImCenter"+id, '<img src="'+webimRoot+'/images/tbliclread.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="'+localized[1]+'">', 640, 480, null);
2. Recompile JavaScript (see the instructions
Thanks Inspirer,
By how much would it affect speed by not recompiling?
About 22 Kb vs 37 Kb for operator, 15 Kb vs 26 Kb for visitor. I'm trying to get everything work as fast as possible, but it is not critical.
There is a simpler way than recompiling Javascript. If you go into the '16*' folder and open users.js there will be an option with width='+width+', height='+height+' within onclick="this.newWindow
Then you change Width and heigh to your desired inputs
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