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Change Page Title and Remove Sound


Hi there!

Is there a way to change the pop-up page title from Mibew Messenger to something else like my company's name?

Also is there a way to mute the sound by default... most of my site visitors find the noise annoying.

Thank You.

As a Open Source Project They deserve that spot mention there.... Even Paid solutions have their mark on their Products

You are able to add you company name, but not to remove mibew copyrights.
There are ways to hide them, read here:

That it paginates I can change the design of the chat that the client goes. 
For some to place text and images. 
Thank you.


How it is possible to make the chat windows title from "Mibew Messenger" to something like "My Company - Powered by: Mibew Messenger" ?

Please help. I already fill upped the settings page and put my company name and title in the chat window, but it still doesnt change. Please help. Thank you!


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