Contributions > Localizations
Persian (fa)
Great Cyrus:
ok,finally all content have been translated and corrected some of those
file attached :)
just check and verify that there is no absent translate at all.
Great! :) We'll check your translation in a couple of days and update the existing one if everything will be alright.
i have some suggestions about this translation but first of all thanks for your time for localizing mibew to persian
it can be used in this state but it can be better.
1) Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions
in translation "delete" is missing.
your translation : ایجاد و مدیریت پرسنل و دسترسیهای آنها.
my suggestion : ایجاد و حذف اوپرانور های شرکت. مدیریت دیسترسی آنها
2) Button HTML code generation
your translation is : ایجاد کد برای دکمهی چت
my suggestion : مولد کد html برای دکمه چت
you are translating "generator" not "generation"
3)Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior
"common system behavior" is missing
your translation : تنظیمات پنجرهی چت
my suggestion : تعیین تنظیمات اثر گذار بر پنجره چت و رفتار معمول سیستم
i know my translation is not good. but it is reminding the user that he/she can change "system behavior" in this page
i will post other suggestions later.
i thinks its better to have one translation for one word.
you have many translation for "operator" int his file
choose one of them and only use it. so its easier for users to understand what the link/page do.(do not forget that the main purpose of translation is help users to understand the page and links behavior and help them to do what they want)
your translation for "Functions available for site operators" is good but i think its better to replace "operator" translation
"امکانات موجود برای متصدیان سایت"
اوپراتور is a good translation for "operator"
there is some missing words but its not important like "Your session has expired" in "Your session has expired. Please login again"
so your translation is good "لطفا دوباره وارد سیستم شوید". if any body want fully translated file. the translation can be replaced by "میز کار/جلسه/نشست شما منقضی شده است. لطفا دوباره لاگین کنید"
Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application
your translation is some issues. i thinks mibew is a live support not a messenger.
my suggestion : پیام رسان میبو یک برنامه پشتیبان آنلاین متن باز است
Ask your question
سوال بپرسید
i think better translation is سوالتان را بپرسید
Add message...
اضافه نمودن پیام
better translation is : افزودن پیام
Canned Messages
i dont have any good translation for it and your translation is not good enough
your translation : پیام آماده
Edit an existing message
yours : ویرایش یک پیام
mine: ویرایش پیام موجود
so... :)
@Great Cyrus, do you have any comments on sajjadi's remarks?
@sajjadi, can we use the translation by Great Cyrus as is?
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