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I have trouble with config.php
Help me please
$mysqlhost = "localhost";
$mysqldb = "here i show my Database Name";
$mysqllogin = "here i show my user";
$mysqlpass = "and here my password";
when i go to install show me this
Correct the mistakes:
Could not connect, please check server settings in config.php. Error: Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES)
Or i am wrong tell me what to do please ?
Check database permissions for the user. Try to login with phpMyAdmin and check which databases are available.
If your database password has the dollar sign character ($) in it then mysql_connect will fail. You either have to change the password to exclude the '$' character or in the config.php file change the double quotes to single quotes for $mysqlpass and the other database variables for that matter.
--- Quote from: kcor000 on April 17, 2010, 06:47:00 PM ---If your database password has the dollar sign character ($) in it then mysql_connect will fail. You either have to change the password to exclude the '$' character or in the config.php file change the double quotes to single quotes for $mysqlpass and the other database variables for that matter.
--- End quote ---
Thanks for the suggestion. That was my exact problem, so I took the $ out of the password and I was able to install.
Thanks ;D
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