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Drupal SIMPLE problem (Installation)
i am using Linux (Ubuntu 9.10), with apache 2, MySQL and php 5.2
i have a Drupal site in /home/amrit/WWW/myDrupalSite/ and i have one more site in /home/amrit/WWW/
i have symbolic link to the apache www directory. and i am able to access both the drupal sites from my browser http://localhost/MyWEB/
Everything is working fine. Since this is just a development machine, i dont care much about the permissions and given full access to all.
Now, as instructed, i extracted the mibew zip file and moved it to /home/amrit/WWW/myDrupalSite/webim163, and then modified the permissions and MySQL settings.. then i browsed to http://localhost/MyWEB/myDrupalSite/webim/install
I am getting a "Page not found error", which is being handeled by Drupal, since drupal is giving the theme to the error page.
But, other pages of the site is working fine..
i copied the webim163 folder directly to /home/amrit/WWW/ and then tried to access http://localhost/MyWEB/webim163/webim/install
still the same page not found error, but this this time the error page looks like a default apache error page (with white background and black bold text).
i think it has a very simple solution.. may be with the apache config?? i have default installation configuration for apache, only modified a little in the apache httpd to enable clean URLs and the php.ini file to increase the execution time (900 ms) and memory (256 M)
hope you can help..
thanks & tc
sorry, i was too much careless... renamed the webim folder from webim 163 to web im and got installation page at
and clicked the create table link..
But got ERROR:
Not Found
The requested URL /myDrupalSite/webim/install/dbperform.php was not found on this server.
Apache/2.2.12 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80
i have $webimroot = "/myDrupalSite/webim/"; (with this value, i am getting the installation page...!!)
can anybody explain me what should be the value $webimroot ???
hey thanks all of u... just for visiting this post ;-)
i have solved it now, working great!!
great software... can i change the button?? i want to match it with my design... do i have the permission or i will be breaking the license??
You can do whatever you want, except removing a link to from the chat window.
$webimroot defines absolute path to Mibew within your site.
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