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Stop offline messages?



Is there any way to disable offline messages in the live chat app?


--- Quote from: FirestarZA on April 23, 2010, 08:02:29 AM ---Is there any way to disable offline messages in the live chat app?

--- End quote ---

To stay online forever:
"Settings -> Performance -> Operator online time threshold" = 999999999

Do not show "Leave offline message" page, even when all operators are offline:
Modify client.php, remove 7 lines starting from "if(!has_online_operators($groupid)) {".

I know this is an old thread, but figured I would leave this here in case it helps anyone else in the future:

I wanted to do something similar but I still wanted to retain the ability to notify a visitor that no operators were available (I just didn't want them to be able to leave a message.)

What I did was remove lines 41-58 from leavemessage.tpl

This removed the form but left the offline page. I also went and changed leavemessage.title in localization to "No operators available" instead of "Leave a message".

Hope this helps!  :)


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