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Modification to automatic switch to offline outside opening hours
Hi all
I modified mibew to automatically switch offline outside our opening hours. I thought I'd share it with you. This is for 1.6.3. Use at your own risk!
In libs/config.php add right before the ?>:
--- Code: ---//BEGIN Automatic offline status by Björn
$autodaysofweekopen = "1, 2, 3, 4, 5"; //1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
$autostartday = mktime(9,30,0); //start of working day(hour,minute,seconds)
$autostartpause = mktime(12,30,0); //start of lunch break
$autoendpause = mktime(13,30,0); //end of lunch break
$autoendday = mktime(17,0,0); //end of working day
//END Automatic offline status by Björn
--- End code ---
In libs/operator.php replace around line 134
--- Code: ---return $row['time'] < $settings['online_timeout'] && $row['total'] > 0;
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---//BEGIN Automatic offline status by Björn
if (ereg(date("N", mktime($now)),$autodaysofweekopen)) {
$now = mktime(date(G),date(i),date(s));
if ( ( ($now > $autostartday) && ($now < $autostartpause) ) || (($now > $autoendpause) && ($now < $autoendday) ) ) {
return $row['time'] < $settings['online_timeout'] && $row['total'] > 0;
return 0;
return 0;
//END Automatic offline status by Björn
--- End code ---
I'm not schooled as programmer, but hey, it works just fine for me ;)
really works
thanks a lot
very good job!
very nice, i was looking for something like this.
Since the company I work is also open on saturday i have changed the script a small bit.
instead of putting everything in the config file ( which will load the connect variables each time you import it ) I chose to make a different file in the libs/ dir.
--- Code: ---//BEGIN Automatic offline status
$weekday_wStart=mktime(8,30,0); //General weekday starttime
$weekday_wEnd=mktime(21,0,0); //General weekday endtime
$weekday_bStart=mktime(12,30,0); //General weekday break starttime
$weekday_bEnd=mktime(13,30,0); //General weekday break endtime
$weekend_wStart=mktime(9,00,0); //General weekend starttime
$weekend_wEnd=mktime(18,00,0); //General weekend endtime
$weekend_bStart=mktime(11,30,0); //General weekend break starttime
$weekend_bEnd=mktime(12,30,0); //General weekend break endtime
$work['monday']['work']=1; // Work 1=yes 0=no
$work['monday']['wStart']=$weekday_wStart; // Starting time
$work['monday']['wEnd']=$weekday_wEnd; // End time
$work['monday']['break']=0; // Break 1=yes 0=no
$work['monday']['bStart']=$weekday_bStart; // Break start time
$work['monday']['bEnd']=$weekday_bEnd; // Break end time
$work['tuesday']['work']=1; // Work 1=yes 0=no
$work['tuesday']['wStart']=$weekday_wStart; // Starting time
$work['tuesday']['wEnd']=$weekday_wEnd; // End time
$work['tuesday']['break']=1; // Break 1=yes 0=no
$work['tuesday']['bStart']=$weekday_bStart; // Break start time
$work['tuesday']['bEnd']=$weekday_bEnd; // Break end time
$work['wednesday']['work']=1; // Work 1=yes 0=no
$work['wednesday']['wStart']=$weekday_wStart; // Starting time
$work['wednesday']['wEnd']=$weekday_wEnd; // End time
$work['wednesday']['break']=0; // Break 1=yes 0=no
$work['wednesday']['bStart']=$weekday_bStart; // Break start time
$work['wednesday']['bEnd']=$weekday_bEnd; // Break end time
$work['thursday']['work']=1; // Work 1=yes 0=no
$work['thursday']['wStart']=$weekday_wStart; // Starting time
$work['thursday']['wEnd']=$weekday_wEnd; // End time
$work['thursday']['break']=0; // Break 1=yes 0=no
$work['thursday']['bStart']=$weekday_bStart; // Break start time
$work['thursday']['bEnd']=$weekday_bEnd; // Break end time
$work['friday']['work']=1; // Work 1=yes 0=no
$work['friday']['wStart']=$weekday_wStart; // Starting time
$work['friday']['wEnd']=$weekday_wEnd; // End time
$work['friday']['break']=0; // Break 1=yes 0=no
$work['friday']['bStart']=$weekday_bStart; // Break start time
$work['friday']['bEnd']=$weekday_bEnd; // Break end time
$work['saturday']['work']=1; // Work 1=yes 0=no
$work['saturday']['wStart']=$weekend_wStart; // Starting time
$work['saturday']['wEnd']=$weekend_wEnd; // End time
$work['saturday']['break']=0; // Break 1=yes 0=no
$work['saturday']['bStart']=$weekend_bStart; // Break start time
$work['saturday']['bEnd']=$weekend_bEnd; // Break end time
$work['sunday']['work']=0; // Work 1=yes 0=no
$work['sunday']['wStart']=$weekend_wStart; // Starting time
$work['sunday']['wEnd']=$weekend_bEnd; // End time
$work['sunday']['break']=0; // Break 1=yes 0=no
$work['sunday']['bStart']=$weekend_bStart; // Break start time
$work['sunday']['bEnd']=$weekend_bEnd; // Break end time
//END Automatic offline status
--- End code ---
and inside libs/operator.php i replaced:
--- Code: ---return $row['time'] < $settings['online_timeout'] && $row['total'] > 0;
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---//BEGIN Automatic offline status
$now = mktime(date("G"),date("i"),date("s"));
if ((($now > $work[$wToday]['wStart']) && ($now < $work[$wToday]['bStart'])) || (($now > $work[$wToday]['bEnd']) && ($now < $work[$wToday]['wEnd']))){
return $row['time'] < $settings['online_timeout'] && $row['total'] > 0;
}else{return 0;}
}else if($work[$wToday]['break']===0){
if ($now > $work[$wToday]['wStart'] && $now < $work[$wToday]['wEnd']){
return $row['time'] < $settings['online_timeout'] && $row['total'] > 0;
}else{return 0;}
}else{return 0;}
//END Automatic offline status
--- End code ---
These changes makes you able to have different working hours every day and you are able to switch breaks on or off depending on the way your company is available.
I hope this will come in handy to some people.
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