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403 Permissions error

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Web server cannot read the script. Set permissions for ALL php files "-r-xr-xr-x" through you FTP client, or run the following command through SSH/telnet:

find ~/public_html/webim -name '*.php' -exec chmod +rx {} ";"

kk thanks i will give this a try and give you the feedback :)

okay i've dont this on all the files and it dosn't seem to be working. Is it possible that this is actually a bug in the way the sever is set up and not actually open web messenger

OK Contrast - the username, has come to me via msn, and had an issue. It's the MYSQL installing the tables. if you'd like the tables, i've added it as an attachment.

If you have issues with it, just reply, and i'll tell you what's wrong.

Rui Campos:
I have the same error, and I execut the SQL webimsql.sql that you have here, but I can't login.
I have the same error
     Correct the mistakes:

    * Entered login/password is incorrect

Can you help me please.

sorry my bad English


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