General > Support

timeout, reconnecting


I love this Live Chat product and have installed it at three different web hosting accounts however on one of those accounts hosted at Hostopia I get the message:

Timeout, Reconnecting

in both the Client and Operator windows.

I read the support post about adjusting my refresh times however this doesn't help get rid of the message.

The odd thing is that for several weeks this worked OK on Hostopia then two weeks ago I started getting "timeout, reconnecting".

My hunch is that this is a web hosting issue. Anyone else see this message or have use Hostopia OK?

Some more clues on this. When I use IE 8 or IE 9 as the Operator or the Visitor I see "timeout" messages.

When I use Google Chrome as the Operator or the Visitor all is well.

Whey doesn't chat seem to work with IE 8 or IE 9?


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